
備考資源分享:托福新制寫作12回官方練習試題 (支援線上評分)

備考資源分享:托福新制寫作12回官方練習試題 (支援線上評分)



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If governments of some countries want to attract more people to live in rural areas or villages, what is the best strategy or approach that governments can use? Why?

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Which approach do you think is better: Giving grades based only on performance, or grading students not just on performance but also their effort?

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Think of one global environmental problem—for example, it could be related to water, air, land, climate, biodiversity, energy, or something similar. Then explain what you think would be an effective solution to this problem.

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Some students say their gap year was beneficial, while others regret having taken one. In your opinion, does taking a gap year create more advantages or disadvantages for students? Why?

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Parks and other green spaces with trees and plants have numerous benefits for people in cities. But city governments sometimes must choose between using a piece of available land as a green space or using it for other important purposes, such as for shopping areas or for manufacturing plants. In your opinion, which is the better use for available urban space? Why?

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Some managers argue that ongoing employee training is the most important investment a company can make. What are your thoughts on the matter?

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Do you think it’s a good idea for very young children to play educational computer games? Why or why not?

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Twenty years in the future, will people have more leisure time (free time) and less work than have today? Why, or why not?

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Let’s focus now on two proposals that governments can consider as they try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cars. One proposal is to improve and expand public transportation. The other is to provide financial support to companies that make electric cars and to consumers who buy them. Which proposal do you think is better? Why?

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While tourism can indeed be a money-making endeavor, it can do more harm than good, especially tourism to small, remote places that are not heavily populated. What is your opinion? Should local or national governments promote tourism to remote regions not typically visited by tourists before Why?

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Think about places in your country that have a housing shortage. In your post, I would like you to indicate the most effective way for the government to address a housing shortage in your country. Please explain why you think so.


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What is the best way to evaluate teachers? Should teachers be evaluated based on their students’ test scores? Should more-experienced teachers evaluate less-experienced teachers? Should students’ feedback be considered? Which approach is best, and why?


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